Mailing List / メーリングリスト
Digital Humanities Japan maintains a mailing list for announcements, discussions, and other relevant materials related to digitally-inflected work on Japan. To join, please click here. The DH Japan Mailing list is operated through Googlegroups. If you do not have a Gmail account, you can sign up for a Google account using your preferred email here. The community’s posting guidelines can be found below.
Community Guidelines / コミュニティガイドライン
The Digital Humanities Japan (DHJ) mailing list is meant for topics related in some way to Japan and/or digital studies. Postings are expected to be civil in nature. Given the wide-ranging and interdisciplinary nature of the community’s interests, whether a topic is of relevance may be interpreted broadly. Members may post in either English or Japanese as they prefer.
All professionals and scholars, regardless of affiliation or rank (including but not limited to undergraduates, graduates, faculty, independent scholars, librarians, and other practitioners), are welcome to join and post. Members should be mindful of the list as a home for the DHJ community, limit postings to an appropriate number per day, and maintain a professional tone.
Members should take personal correspondence off-list, and reply to the whole list judiciously. Helpful, supportive listservs are a great resource. Accordingly, as a general rule before posting, ask, “Will this help a colleague?” “Have I fully explored all answers on my own before asking here?” Those who ask for their questions to be answered off-list are encouraged to compile helpful answers in a follow-up post for others’ reference. (This could include technical solutions, a survey of courses offered at various institutions, workshops and events, etc.)
Harassment on or off the list, including the use of slurs, ridicule, and derogatory or hateful language, will not be tolerated. Members of the community will refrain from judgment based on a person’s background, including but not limited to experience, area of study, affiliation with an institution, national origin, heritage, native language and foreign-language competence, religion, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexuality. Likewise, the community will be supportive of members posting in their non-native languages; of course, this excludes offensive language.
Moderators monitor postings and reserve the right to remove messages deemed inappropriate. Members who violate the community guidelines may be subject to a temporary or permanent ban from the DHJ list, or other repercussions as appropriate. Questions about or suggestions for amending the guidelines should be directed to moderators.