====== Publications ====== This page features information on publications and platforms specific to scholarship on the digital in relation to Japan or Japanese Studies (broadly conceived). The "Bibliography" link leads to an ongoing user-generated Googledoc where various publications related to DH + Japan can be submitted. Please exercise caution when submitting to the bibliography and follow formatting guidelines to the best of your ability. ===== Blogs and Online Publications ===== * [[https://digitalorientalist.com/|The Digital Orientalist]] * [[https://www.dhii.jp/DHM/ |人文情報学月報 / Digital Humanities Monthly]] * [[http://digitalnagasaki.hatenablog.com/|Blog: Nagasaki Kiyonori (International Institute for Digital Humanities, Tokyo)]] ===== Journals ===== * [[https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jjadh/-char/en/|Journal of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities]] ===== Bibliography of Publications on Japan-related Digital Studies ===== * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/15laMotRshSmEJla5YZj4qjNGflGlZoQS-x45pfcy_s4/edit?usp=sharing|Bibliography]]